Bridging Software for Excel Spreadsheets
What is MTD VAT bridging software?
As part of Make Tax Digital (MTD) initiative from HRMC, from April 2019, VAT registered businesses with turnover of over £85,000 are required to submit VAT returns to HMRC digitally.
HMRC will be removing the online VAT submission form companies currently use to submit their VAT returns. This will affect many traditional companies who use Excel spreadsheets for their VAT workings and then go to the HMRC portal to submit their VAT returns.
This is where our MTD VAT bridging software can help companies using spreadsheets to stay complaint with HMRC’s MTD legislation. Companies can do all their VAT workings in the spreadsheets as they currently do and our software will work as a bridge between their spreadsheets and HMRC’s MTD VAT. This means companies dependent on spreadsheets do not have to change their VAT workings process or their way of working and be able to submit their VAT returns digitally to HMRC.
What spreadsheet template does the bridging software work with?
The bridging software is designed to work with any of your current VAT working spreadsheets. So, you do not have to make any changes to your VAT workings spreadsheets.
The software is designed to work with multiple sheets as well. However, we currently only support the mapping of the final VAT 1 - 9 boxes from a single sheet. What this means is you can have a sheet for your sales, a sheet for your purchases and a sheet for the final VAT calculations and our software will use the data from the sheet with the VAT workings.
As stated above, if your VAT workings 1 - 9 boxes are spread across multiple sheets, say VAT box 5 is in sheet 1 and VAT box 6 is in sheet 2, our software would not work. You will have to add a new sheet to your spreadsheet which will have all the required calculations in one sheet for the bridging software to work.
We might add support to make our software work across multiple sheets if we have more businesses interested in that. However, currently all businesses who we discussed, though having multiple sheets for sales, purchases, have all the final VAT workings in one sheet.
You can contact AccountsDesk if you have a special requirement with your spreadsheet and we can have a custom bridge for your spreadsheet.
Do I need to install any software?
The MTD VAT bridging solution offered by AccountsDesk is online over the web, so you do not have to install any new software on your machine or make any changes to your Excel software. The bridging software is tested to work with latest version of modern browsers and Internet Explorer 11. Modern browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
Does your bridging software meet HMRC's MTD VAT guidelines?
HMRC only recognises and provides access to their production MTD VAT to software that meet their MTD VAT guidelines. Our bridging software has been tested by HMRC and notified that our bridging software is compatiable with their MTD VAT guidelines.